It seems that the most restless day in the whole year is the last day of the year , Dec-31.
Managers sending "thanks for your commitment all through this year " mails to the rest.Organizations getting vacant by afternoon.
People becoming frenzy , frantic to have a biggest blast of their life that night , come what may. Last minute arrangements for the DJ nights and booze parties bettering the balance sheets of even the not so known venues. Hotels competing on billboards and placing spotlights at the venue to entice the passers-by with their offers. Lucky ones choosing the best partner for the couple entry pass. Stags searching those which allow them. Others planning to spend those few special moments of welcoming the new year with their beloved friends and partners.
In US , it would be a million people thronging to the Times Square to catch a glimpse of the balloon dropping scene after getting stranded for hours without a Loo facility.
In Bollywood , lesser known actors jabbering to Page3 circuit journalists that they would be partying at Goa ( which is most affordable for them ) and Mega actors subtly revealing their London , Los-Angeles and Bali plans through their PR agents.
"Kuch to Karna hai , Aaj raat " attitude sweeping the whole world so that the next afternoon when we wake up, there's something substantial to share with.
Are we doing all this because we want to really enjoy the moment or because we are required to say "I too had a blast , last night" to avoid the sympathetic looks from our peers. ..?
Sharing your thoughts is highly appreciated...thank you